Happy Birthday Michael Jackson

Happy Birthday Michael Jackson

No. Not the anorexic identity challenged pop star. We’re celebrating the real Michael Jackson. People in the know, are familiar...

What a Pretty pan of paella

What a Pretty pan of paella

Nothing evokes the romantic side of Spain like paella. And, today is Spanish paella Day. There are Portuguese and other...

All things being equal

All things being equal

As a species, we look for order and symbolism in all things. Today is one of those days. Every year,...

Erin Go… Drink a Pint!

Erin Go… Drink a Pint!

Slainte! It’s that time again. The Middle of March. Not quite the equinox. But, the Irish are always a bit...

Start with 3.14159265359 cups of flour…

Start with 3.14159265359 cups of flour…

Yep. What else can a number like that mean? IT”S PI DAY! So, of course, we have to prove our...

Popover for some Blueberry Popovers

Popover for some Blueberry Popovers

Popovers evoke a feeling of comfort: warm, soft, and puffy on the inside with a light crunch on the outside....

Come Fly with the Green Fairy

Come Fly with the Green Fairy

Artemisia Absinthium, also known as Grand Wormwood sounds exotic, and maybe even toxic. But, when distilled with Anise and fennel,...

Burn it down to make the ashes

Burn it down to make the ashes

Here we go again. Today is Mardi Gras AKA Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, or ash Wednesday Eve. The name Shrove...