Happy Vernal Equinox! Druids, start your dance!

Vernal Equinox at Stonehenge
(Picture by Smons41 at Pixaby) Stonehenge! Where a man’s a man
And the children dance to the Pipes of Pan

And, oh, how they danced, the little children of Stonehenge.

No one knows who they were…or what they were doing. But, their legacy remains, hewn, into the living rock of STONEHENGE.

Spring Salad of baby arugula, radish, jicama, fennel, and honey basil vinaigrette. Part of our Happy Vernal Equinox celebration. It's vegan too.
Spring Salad

Today marks the first day of spring. We can step outside again, unfettered by layers upon layers of winter clothing. The buds on the trees burst forth, and, crocuses pop from their winter domiciles. Choruses of birds announce their return from southern climes in a deafening cacophony. And, the most exciting season for culinary delights is upon us. The happy vernal equinox brings us such delights as fresh morels, ramps, fiddleheads, and garlic scapes. There is spring lamb, spring onions, and (not around here) spring chickens. It is time to celebrate the greening of the temperate zones of the world. What better way to do that than with a spring celebratory meal worthy of a pagan deity?

If they are open, get yourself down to your local farmer’s market. If not, find a good green grocer and pick up what is fresh. Some of the things mentioned above won’t be available everywhere, but, they are coming. You should be able to get asparagus, spring onions, and Swiss Chard right now. And, many varieties of mushrooms are available. Let’s take a few minutes to give thanks for the bounty that awaits us and appreciate what is here for us now as we offer up the following vegan menu:

The Menu:

  1. Spring onion Pancakes with herbed tomato Confit
  2. Baby Arugula Salad with Easter Egg Radish, Jicama, Fennel, and Basil Honey Vinaigrette
  3. Grilled Garlic Polenta with Braised Rainbow Chard, Baby carrots and Asparagus
  4. Mango Panna cotta with minted Blueberry apple conserve

We are focusing on vegan products, because, the Vernal Equinox is a time of rebirth. It marks the sprouting of life, not the withering. It’s a time when the whole world thaws, flowers bloom, and hearts open. I met the love of my life on the vernal equinox some 25 years ago. So, this spring holds a special place in my heart. It is a perfect time to share what is in our hearts. So, get outside and enjoy the coming days of sun and rain. Gone are the frigid days of winter. As the last remnants of snow thaw, One can’t help but recall the immortal words of Hank Williams: “Why can’t I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold cold heart?”

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