So you think you’re in love

So you think you’re in love

In 1991, Robin Hitchcock and the Egyptians had a modern rock tracks hit with a catchy tune called “So you...

Thus commences the nothing

Thus commences the nothing

Look at the calendar. Everyday is something. In fact, we, at Only Cumin, focus on many of these so called...

He never even ate the oysters

He never even ate the oysters

Today we celebrate an American invention from the Kitchens of New Orleans. It’s National Oysters Rockefeller day. This dish was...

Ya bunch of ingrates, ya!

Ya bunch of ingrates, ya!

People are familiar with the Stories of Christopher Columbus, supposedly, discovering America. That was in 1492. Over the next century...

It’s all hallows inside

It’s all hallows inside

Some things have creamy fillings. Others, like Chocolate Easter Bunnies are hollow inside. Why are we talking about candy? A...

What will we discover today?

What will we discover today?

Today is an official US holiday. The traditional name is Columbus day. But, in recent years, proponents of Native American...

Another Japanese Rice Burner

Another Japanese Rice Burner

American Motorcycle riders have a penchant for American made choppers like Harley Davidson. Anything else meets derision. When they see...

What beer is meant for

What beer is meant for

We’ve done it again. It’s another year, and the same tradition arises. It’s time to discover what beer is meant...

It’s a mother of a day

It’s a mother of a day

When we think of days like today, we assume it was something made up by Hallmark, just to sell cards...

Walpurgisnacht Kind of rolls off the tongue

Walpurgisnacht Kind of rolls off the tongue

Today, many people make plans for May day and Cinco de Mayo celebrations. But, this misses out on what some...