Popover for some Blueberry Popovers

Popover for some Blueberry Popovers

Popovers evoke a feeling of comfort: warm, soft, and puffy on the inside with a light crunch on the outside....

Fill That Wine Glass!

Fill That Wine Glass!

Well, if you needed an excuse to drink, today is National Drink Wine day. And, I thought that was any...

Putting the VD back in Valentines day

Putting the VD back in Valentines day

Thanks to the pandemic, VD isn’t the major concern in the dating community. It’s about time. I remember a time...

What’s For Sunday Supper, Dear?

What’s For Sunday Supper, Dear?

All across America and the globe, families gather for Sunday Supper on a regular basis. But, in case you don’t,...

They Even Knew How To Have  A Good Time On New Year’s Eve

They Even Knew How To Have A Good Time On New Year’s Eve

In Swimming to Cambodia, Spaulding Grey describes how in touch with the Earth the Cambodian People were before Pol Pot....

Solstice time is here

Solstice time is here

Remember that Chipmunks song: “Christmas time is here?” Well, screw those over rated vermin. In fact, give me “chipmunks Roasting...

Fire up the Chanukah Candles

Fire up the Chanukah Candles

That’s right. The festival of lights starts early this year. Usually, we associate it with Christmas. But, here it is,...

What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?

It’s the 4th Thursday in November. That means it’s Thanksgiving day in America. Thanks to the Pandemic, people have a...

Today We Honor Veterans

Today We Honor Veterans

11/11. This is a day we set aside to honor all the veterans who have volunteered to protect our freedoms....

Okay: Sneak some Zucchini?

Okay: Sneak some Zucchini?

Yeah! You read that right. Today is Sneak some zucchini into your neighbor’s porch day. Talk about obscure and suggestive?...