You’ll Be Singing My Paloma

You’ll Be Singing My Paloma

People love margaritas. And, with Just cause. But, did you know the Margarita has a cousin that Mexican’s, generally, prefer?...

Remember the Mimosa today

Remember the Mimosa today

It’s may 16. Even though mother’s day was a couple days ago, there is still reason to celebrate. It’s national...

Only on this planet

Only on this planet

Today is Earth day. Started in the 70’s to educate people about environmental issues and inspire action to make the...

The French say Sacre Bleu!

The French say Sacre Bleu!

If you have ever seen a stereotype of a Canadian or Parisian in distress, you would think The French say...

When Irish Eyes are smiling

When Irish Eyes are smiling

They’re probably eating Italian food. Of course, we kid. But, the Irish aren’t exactly renowned for their cuisine. This is,...

Let there be lights

Let there be lights

Well, it’s here again. Tonight marks the beginning of the festival of Lights AKA Chanukah. Or, is it Hanukkah? As...

To all you cookie monsters out there

To all you cookie monsters out there

Forget December 25, December 4 is the day that no one can resist. And, it doesn’t matter what religion you...

The Mousse is on the Loose

The Mousse is on the Loose

Few days evoke both elegance and comfort at the same day. But, today is one. It’s national Mousse day. Most...

forget thanksgiving for a better holiday

forget thanksgiving for a better holiday

Thanksgiving is a made up holiday, unlike national bittersweet chocolate and almonds day or American beer day. It’s not like...

A Nice Chianti and Fava Beans

A Nice Chianti and Fava Beans

You may remember that line from “the Silence of the Lambs“. And, it is definitely disturbing. But, if it were...