It’s Hickory Daiquiri Dock Time!

It's Hickory Daiquiri Dock Time! Originally made with light rum, feel free to try different flavors. Here are limes, sugar, and rum.
It’s Hickory Daiquiri Dock Time! Originally made with light rum, feel free to try different flavors.

That’s right. Today is dedicated to one of the sweetest drinks ever to cross a miner’s lips. You don’t have to be a girl drink drunk to enjoy this Cuban concoction. It’s Hickory Daiquiri Dock Time! Legend has it, that this cocktail was first made by a coal mining engineer in Cuba around the turn of the 20th century. Daiquiri is the name of the town and beach where the miners were at the time. So, instead of naming it the Jennings Cox, it was named after the location. That is probably a good choice. Can you picture people in a bar saying, “get me a couple cox’s?”

A few years after its introduction, a navy admiral brought the drink to the US military, providing international exposure. It’s no wonder Navy officers drank it. It is similar to the “grog” drunk by sailors in the late 18th and early 20th centuries to prevent scurvy. During world war II, there was rationing of whiskey and vodka. But, rum flowed freely from Caribbean and south American ports. So, the daiquiri’s popularity soared.

It’s Hickory Daiquiri Dock Time! With popularity comes change.

A basic daiquiri is a simple concoction. The original version was simply sugar and cracked ice with a squeeze of lime and rum. Over the years, many versions have evolved. Modern versions go through a blender or shaker as opposed to the original stirring. Flavors have changed. Lime is pedestrian. Strawberry, coconut, mango, and others are the preferred flavors. And, let’s not forget the garnishes and little umbrellas either. In fact, they are a far cry from the original. The first version was 90% booze. Now, it’s the other way around. No wonder it has earned a reputation as a “girlie drink“. Heaven forbid something tastes good. Only “girlies” like things with a pleasant taste. Manly men, like coal miners, are too macho to drink daiquiris.

So, whether you are in a coal mine, storming the beaches at the bay of pigs, sitting poolside, or it’s time for morning drinking, why not give a daiquiri a try. You can make it as manly or “girlie” as you want. All you need is rum, sugar, lime, and ice. How hard is that? It’s around 7 AM est now. As the saying goes, it’s noon somewhere. So, what are you waiting for? It’s Hickory Daiquiri Dock Time!

Here are a couple recipes:

Classic Daiquiri Ala Jennings Cox:

  1. 2 oz light rum
  2. 1/2 lime
  3. 1tsp sugar
  4. Cracked ice cubes

muddle the lime and sugar by smushing the lime with a muddling stick or a wooden spoon, and, stirring with the sugar. Add ice and rum. Stir, and serve in a martini glass or a tin cup if you want to be “manly”.

Strawberry Pomegranate Daiquiri

  1. 1 cup fresh strawberries
  2. 2 oz spiced rum
  3. 1 oz lime juice
  4. 2 oz simple syrup
  5. 1 oz pomegranate juice
  6. Ice
  7. Limes and pomegranate seeds for garnish

Mix all ingredients in a blender (except garnish. Set to crush mode. Blend until it is the consistency of a snow cone. Serve in a tall glass with garnishes.

While you are enjoying these, don’t forget to eat. perhaps a home made veggie burger? Or check out our cinco de quatro menu.

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