It’s Upsy Daisy Time!

That’s right, someone with too much free time on their hands, a collection of Ned Flander’s sweaters, and Ned’s vocabulary, decided that today should be upsy daisy day. We don’t celebrate every day. But, this one is just so silly, it deserves, at least a mention. Besides, it’s an album title from one of my favorite bands: XTC. The premise behind the day is to wake up with a go get ’em attitude. And, if your Mickey Mouse talking alarm clock train isn’t working, you need something to motivate you… So, just screw on a cheesy mustache and say, okily dokily, It’s Upsy Daisy Time!

What better way to rise and shine with purpose than fresh baked bread? So, here we provide a couple bread product recipes that rise to the occasion. We have ladder bread and bagels to get you upsy daisy. It’s what Ned would do.

Of course, as the evening wears on, it’s time to sit back with another form of upsy daisy from yeast risen products: pretzels and beer.

Regardless of what you eat, and the silliness of the name of the day, the attitude is one we should take every day. We should take a step forward to be productive and helpful. Do something charitable. Reach out to friends, family, and anyone you happen to meet. We should all have the optimism of Elwood P Dowd in Harvey: “Every day is a nice day.” So, take to each day as if it were your first or last. Bring that wonder of your first experience with the mindfulness of savoring your last. It is through purposeful living that we truly experience and savor life. Otherwise we are only going through the motions. So, upsy daisy and Up and atom

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