Cooking to Inspire Cooking to Inspire Cooking to Inspire
Cooking to Inspire
Cooking to Inspire
Cooking to Inspire
When Love Turns to ashes

When Love Turns to ashes

Today, we celebrate 2 Christian holidays. One is rarely associated with Christendom. But, the other one is steeped in religion....

You may not be Edison

You may not be Edison

It’s February 11: Thomas Edison’s Birthday. In 1983, Ronald Reagan put this date on the holiday calendar. It’s national Inventors’...

People go nuts for Nutella

People go nuts for Nutella

Some people don’t know the pleasures of Nutella. Is it chocolate? Is it like peanut butter? It’s kind of like...

It’s Pisco to the rescue

It’s Pisco to the rescue

Well, you’ve done it again: It’s a new month in a young year. Time to try something new for some,...

What’s hotter than chocolate?

What’s hotter than chocolate?

It’s the end of January. If you live in snow prone areas, this is the time to seek warmth. And,...

Put a little Irish in your coffee

Put a little Irish in your coffee

Alcoholics for generations always complained about the lack of pep in their coffee. Well, in the 1940’s the Irish decided...

We’re not so different after all

We’re not so different after all

Religion is the bane of all existence. The number of wars, disputes, and atrocities committed in the name of “god”...

Will your god set you free

Will your god set you free

Today is a day about everything and nothing. Coincidentally, it’s national nothing day too, which, as it’s name implies actually...

Just Give Up Now

Just Give Up Now

Procrastinators of the world unite: tomorrow. But, to all you quitters out there, we can’t put things off anymore. It’s...

Some are born great

Some are born great

There is a line in Shakespeare’s arsenal that few know where it comes from: “Some are born great, some achieve...