This Holiday has gone to the dogs

This Holiday has gone to the dogs...Thankfully!
A cocker spaniel with morning light through a window
This Holiday has gone to the dogs…Thankfully!

Today is October 31. That could mean one thing: It’s All Hallows Eve. Of course, the name Halloween is the preferred variation. We could also celebrate candied apple day, girl Scout Founder’s day, Doorbell day, or National Magic day. Worse yet, we could celebrate national knock knock day. And, you thought Halloween was scary? Last year, we looked into the origins of Halloween and the perversions of the original meaning. Well, this year, it looks like This Holiday has gone to the dogs. That’s right, if you’re going to make crap up and try to sell a bunch of crap nobody needs, why not make it a fun holiday: today we celebrate our 4 legged friends: The dogs (Not the band, although we should give them a listen too).

And, doesn’t it make sense for Halloween to be a holiday for dogs? The favorite saying is “trick or Treat”. And, dogs know that so well. They do a trick, they get a treat. Pretty straightforward there. And, they don’t tell knock knock jokes (although, they may bark like crazy when someone knocks on the door). Another treat about dogs is that you don’t have to dress them up and send them to peoples’ houses to get candy, and deal with the aftermath of that. Worse yet, you don’t have to worry about them getting into the trouble that kids get into. So, why not reward your furry friends for the unconditional love they give? It’s pretty simple: trick and treat.

We’re so glad This Holiday has gone to the dogs

If you have kids, you live in constant fear of what’s going to happen to them. They could get kidnapped, come home with poisoned candy, get run over by a car, maimed, injured, killed, or worse. Your dogs only go out on the street when you take them there on a leash (try that with your kids, see how that flies). You can dress your dogs up for Halloween. They don’t care one way or the other. Kids are a major expense and liability. And, as they grow up, they drift away from you or outright hate you. So, do yourself a favor. Trade your kids in for a dog. They’re loving, cuddly, and constant companions. You don’t have to send them to school, dress them, feed them expensive food, worry about them crashing the car or getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant (you can neuter them legally).

And, with the price of chocolate through the roof, you can save a lot of money since chocolate is poisonous to dogs. So, just don’t buy it. Dogs are a fantastic upgrade to children. And, whether they are puppies or elders, they’re still cuddly and cute. So, if you don’t have kids, keep it that way. If you do, trade them in for a dog. Your wallet, sanity, and general well being will thank you. Even the CDC will confirm, pets are good for your health. They lower cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, anxiety, and more. The only downside is their short lifespan. But, there is enough love in that short period to last a lifetime. And, when one passes, you can get a new one.

words of wisdom

The author of this saying may be anonymous, but it sums up dog ownership perfectly:

“It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.”

Isn’t that what all humanity should strive for? So, instead of trying to scare the Bejesus out of each other on Halloween, let’s try to be more like our furry friends. And, let’s celebrate the holiday with them instead of the snot nosed screaming, crying kids. To that end, we have a recipe that’s bound to keep your pups happy. Try giving them to the kids too. These pupcakes are made with all human grade ingredients. The flavor profile may not excite the kids. But, to see them ball their eyes out when they expect a sweet cupcake and get a mouthful of savory chicken and sweet potato is priceless.

make a bunch of these and freeze what you don’t use within a week for future treats. Maybe your dog will even do a couple tricks for these treats too.

We're so glad This Holiday has gone to the dogs. Chicken, Sweet potato, and Blueberry Pupcakes
We’re so glad This Holiday has gone to the dogs. Chicken, Sweet potato, and Blueberry Pupcakes

Chicken, Sweet Potato, and Blueberry Pupcakes

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Course Dog Treats
Cuisine canine


  • Miniature cupcake molds


  • 2 Cup Peeled sweet potato, cut in 1 to 2 inch cubes
  • 1 Lb Boneless skinless chicken breast
  • 2 each Large Eggs
  • 3/4 Cup Corn Meal
  • 1 Cup Fresh Blueberries
  • 1/4 Cup Coconut Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Honey
  • For Frosting
  • 1 1/2 Cup Peanut Butter (all natural, no artificial sweeteners)
  • 1/2 Cup fresh Blueberries
  • 1 tsp Honey


  • Heat a little coconut oil in a saute pan over high heat. Sear the chicken breast until lightly browned. Flip to the other side and continue cooking until it is cooked all the way through, but not overcooked. In fact, it can still be a little under-cooked since it will be baked with the other ingredients later. Allow to cool.
  • Boil the sweet potatoes until soft. Drain well. Then, mash them until smooth.
  • preheat oven to 350
  • Puree the chicken in a food processor until smooth. Fold the chicken into the mashed sweet potato and mix well. Whisk the eggs and fold into the mix. Melt the coconut oil and fold that in. Then fold in the honey, blueberries, and corn meal. Mix until well combines and the mixture holds shape.
  • Spray the cupcake molds with pan coating. Spoon in the mixture. Bake until slightly browned and they begin to pull away from the mold (about 10 to 15 minutes). Remove from heat and allow to cool. When they are cool enough, remove them from the pans.
  • Make the frosting. Puree the blueberries in a food processor until well broken down, but not too wet. Add the peanut butter and pulse until a smooth consistency. Put in a star tipped pastry bag. Pipe on top of the pupcakes. Garnish with a blueberry.
  • Have your dog do a trick and reward him/her with a fresh baked pupcake. Repeat as desired. But, not too many. These may have nutritional value; but, they don't substitute regular dog food.
Keyword blueberry, chicken, gluten free, Halloween, Pupcakes, sweet potato

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