What would your mother say…

What would your mother say about this buffet?
Frittata, sea bass, potatoes, asparagus, baby carrots, edamame salad, and mango mimosas on a wooden table.
What would your mother say about this buffet?

Here it is, folks. The one day of the year that mothers get the appreciation they deserve. Of course, I am referring to Frank Zappa and the mothers of Invention. With the immortal sounds of Electric Aunt Jemima, and some other songs, they will live on in the memories of all the peoples of the world. Oh… What? You’ve never heard of Electric Aunt Jemima? … or the Mothers??? Don’t worry, not many people have. That is why they were considered and underground smash. What would your mother say… if she knew you were listening to this crap? But, don’t worry, Motherly love will conquer all. Your mothers gonna love you ’til you don’t know what to do.

Of course, I kid. Let’s talk about the real mothers (no, not politicians, either). So, instead of being obscure and troublesome, let’s take time to truly appreciate the women who brought us into this world (and mother earth herself). Just think about this for a second: someone carried you inside of her while you developed from a few insignificant cells into a screaming kicking, parasite. She had to eat for 2 for 9 months. Drinking, smoking, going for a morning run, all kinds of fun stuff, all off the menu. Her body was stretched out of proportion. She had to get all new clothes that she could only wear for a short period of time. She would be left with scars and stretchmarks for the rest of her life. All to bring you into the world. And, let’s not forget the emotional scars…

The motherly bond

Whether she was a “good” mother or not, she had to feed you, clothe you, provide warmth, and guide you through development. And, all this without a proper operation manual. Even with Dr Spock and other input, the whole thing was a guessing game. Every mother and child have their own unique nuances. And, let’s face it: you were no walk in the park.

Whether she said she relished every moment or was brutally honest that you were a total PITA, raising you was not an easy thing. She gave and gave. And, you ate, slept, pooped, and cried. Sounds like a perfect unfriend relationship on Facebook. Think about this: she literally cleaned up your poop and wiped your a**. And you cried and kept her up all night. What a selfish douche…

And, that was just the beginning. Most of us have a lifelong relationship with our mothers. They always know what is best for us, because they knew us when we were nothing but little sh** machines. They may or may not be eloquent well spoken sage soothsayers. But, they have always been there for us. Even when we didn’t know it. There will always be a connection between a child and its mother. It may not be recognized. But, it is there.

What would your mother say…

Cherish the time you have together. There will come a time when she isn’t there anymore. She may be overbearing. She may say embarrassing things. She may drive you absolutely crazy. But, one day, she won’t be there when you call. Then you will wish you could hear that stupid story again. Those little annoyances and frustrations are a part of her and her relationship to you. Don’t scoff and ridicule. This is your connection. Even if you don’t agree with her, remember your connection. And, do yourself a favor: Call your mother!

You will never get a chance to go back. There are no mulligans or do overs. Your relationship with your mother is just that. Embrace it, in all its myriad nuances. And, always end your encounters on a high note. Don’t let the last thing you said be, “I wish you would just drop dead.” Think about that the next time you want to let loose on what you think of mother.

And, let’s not forget everybody’s favorite mother: Mother Earth.

We came from her and we will return to her. Mother earth has provided for all things in and on her. Let’s keep her happy and healthy. Maybe today is a good day to beautify a landscape or clean up waste. Maybe start or contribute to a compost pile. How about not driving or going anywhere today? Stay at home and pamper your mother while giving mother Earth a rest.

Do something nice for all the mothers:

If you can take her somewhere or get something she has always wanted, do that. How about a nice day off without anything to do? After all your screaming, crying, pooping, and subsequent years of trouble making, she just needs a nice peaceful day, free of stress and obligation.

If you have ever heard of or practiced mindfulness, this is the perfect opportunity. Simply sit comfortably in the company of your mother. Close your eyes. Breathe. Pay attention to the breath and the feeling of being near your loved ones. Accept all things good and bad. Know they are all part of you and your mother. Remember, she accepted you for better or for worse. Right now, forget the past. Don’t think about the future. Just live in the moment. The future will never be and the past is no more. We can only truly experience the present. Allow yourself to be with her. Experience the moment and store the memory. You will not regret it.

Perhaps you can go to the kitchen, make a nice meal, and let her enjoy the day and the company.

The celebratory meal:

To make her day complete, we are going to do the cooking. Here are a few items that you can do with minimal skill. The beauty is they shouldn’t elicit the response: “You shouldn’t have… you REALLY shouldn’t have…”

What would your mother say? Moving image of a woman opening a gift saying you really shouldn't have.

How about a nice Mother’s day brunch at home:

  1. Herbed Spinach and Goat Cheese Frittata with Tomato Relish
  2. Corn Crusted Sea Bass with White Wine Spring Pea Puree and Sauteed fiddleheads
  3. Lemon Sage Roasted Baby Potatoes
  4. Edamame, Avocado, and Feta Salad
  5. Basil Scented Asparagus and Baby Carrots
  6. Grand Marnier, Mango, and Mandarin Mimosas

This makes for a nice buffet spread. You can do a lot of the prep ahead. But, if you forget and have to do it that day, you can put this meal together in a couple hours. These are lighter recipes that pack a lot of flavor. We could have done a quiche, but, making, pre-baking, and filling a crust seems a bit time consuming. Frittata is, pretty much, a crust-less quiche. We are using sea bass here because it is a firm fish that can be held hot longer than many fish that are more flaky (like haddock or sole). If your mom likes salmon or another fish, feel free to substitute.

The potatoes and vegetables are both quick, easy, pop in the oven dishes, as well as the Frittata. And, the salad is a toss and serve affair. All in all, this menu requires light knife-work, limited stove top time, and mostly pop in the oven, set a timer type of action. While things are finishing in the oven, you can keep busy making and drinking those mimosas.

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